# Nook Theme NookTheme is a free and open source [Pterodactyl theme](https://pterodactyl.io) designed to be simple, clean, and modern. ![Image](https://i.imgur.com/IflRtEX.png)
View Screnshots ![Image](https://i.imgur.com/CNxF3iT.png) ![Image](https://i.imgur.com/IflRtEX.png) ![Image](https://i.imgur.com/vNLK5jP.png) ![Image](https://i.imgur.com/dnxV2CS.png)
## Installation ### First go to the panel route and set the panel as under maintenance ```sh cd /var/www/pterodactyl php artisan down ``` ### Download the update ```sh curl -L https://github.com/Nookure/NookTheme/releases/latest/download/panel.tar.gz | tar -xzv ``` ### Once all of the files are downloaded we need to set the correct permissions on the cache and storage directories to avoid any webserver related errors. ```sh chmod -R 755 storage/* bootstrap/cache ``` ### Update the dependencies ```sh composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader ``` ### Clear the blade templates cache ```sh php artisan view:clear php artisan config:clear ``` ## Documentation * [Panel Documentation](https://pterodactyl.io/panel/1.0/getting_started.html) * [Wings Documentation](https://pterodactyl.io/wings/1.0/installing.html) * [Community Guides](https://pterodactyl.io/community/about.html) * Or, get additional help [via Discord](https://discord.nookure.com/) ## License Pterodactyl® Copyright © 2015 - 2023 Dane Everitt and contributors. > Nookure is not affiliated with Pterodactyl® Panel or its contributors. Pterodactyl code released under the [MIT License](./LICENSE.md). NookTheme code edits released under the [GNU GPLv3 License](./NookLicense.md).