Models\Node::select( 'nodes.*', 'locations.long as a_locationName', DB::raw('(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM servers WHERE servers.node = as a_serverCount') )->join('locations', 'nodes.location', '=', '')->paginate(20), ]); } public function getNew(Request $request) { return view('', [ 'locations' => Models\Location::all() ]); } public function postNew(Request $request) { try { $node = new NodeRepository; $new = $node->create($request->except([ '_token' ])); Alert::success('Successfully created new node. You should allocate some IP addresses to it now.')->flash(); return redirect()->route('admin.nodes.view', [ 'id' => $new ]); } catch (\Pterodactyl\Exceptions\DisplayValidationException $e) { return redirect()->route('')->withErrors(json_decode($e->getMessage()))->withInput(); } catch (\Pterodactyl\Exceptions\DisplayException $e) { Alert::danger($e->getMessage())->flash(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error($e); Alert::danger('An unhandled exception occured while attempting to add this node. Please try again.')->flash(); } return redirect()->route('')->withInput(); } public function getView(Request $request, $id) { $node = Models\Node::findOrFail($id); $allocations = []; $alloc = Models\Allocation::select('ip', 'port', 'assigned_to')->where('node', $node->id)->get(); if ($alloc) { foreach($alloc as &$alloc) { if (!array_key_exists($alloc->ip, $allocations)) { $allocations[$alloc->ip] = [[ 'port' => $alloc->port, 'assigned_to' => $alloc->assigned_to ]]; } else { array_push($allocations[$alloc->ip], [ 'port' => $alloc->port, 'assigned_to' => $alloc->assigned_to ]); } } } return view('admin.nodes.view', [ 'node' => $node, 'servers' => Models\Server::select('servers.*', ' as a_ownerEmail', ' as a_serviceName') ->join('users', '', '=', 'servers.owner') ->join('services', '', '=', 'servers.service') ->where('node', $id)->paginate(10), 'stats' => Models\Server::select(DB::raw('SUM(memory) as memory, SUM(disk) as disk'))->where('node', $node->id)->first(), 'locations' => Models\Location::all(), 'allocations' => json_decode(json_encode($allocations), false), ]); } public function postView(Request $request, $id) { try { $node = new NodeRepository; $node->update($id, $request->except([ '_token' ])); Alert::success('Successfully update this node\'s information. If you changed any daemon settings you will need to restart it now.')->flash(); return redirect()->route('admin.nodes.view', [ 'id' => $id, 'tab' => 'tab_settings' ]); } catch (\Pterodactyl\Exceptions\DisplayValidationException $e) { return redirect()->route('admin.nodes.view', $id)->withErrors(json_decode($e->getMessage()))->withInput(); } catch (\Pterodactyl\Exceptions\DisplayException $e) { Alert::danger($e->getMessage())->flash(); } catch (\Exception $e) { Log::error($e); Alert::danger('An unhandled exception occured while attempting to edit this node. Please try again.')->flash(); } return redirect()->route('admin.nodes.view', [ 'id' => $id, 'tab' => 'tab_settings' ])->withInput(); } public function deletePortAllocation(Request $request, $id, $ip, $port) { $allocation = Models\Allocation::where('node', $id)->whereNull('assigned_to')->where('ip', $ip)->where('port', $port)->first(); if (!$allocation) { return response()->json([ 'error' => 'Unable to find an allocation matching those details to delete.' ], 400); } $allocation->delete(); return response('', 204); } }