2020-06-28 22:41:22 +01:00
< ? php
namespace Pterodactyl\Tests\Integration\Api\Client\Server\ScheduleTask ;
use Pterodactyl\Models\Task ;
use Illuminate\Http\Response ;
use Pterodactyl\Models\Schedule ;
use Pterodactyl\Models\Permission ;
use Pterodactyl\Tests\Integration\Api\Client\ClientApiIntegrationTestCase ;
class CreateServerScheduleTaskTest extends ClientApiIntegrationTestCase
* Test that a task can be created .
* @ param array $permissions
* @ dataProvider permissionsDataProvider
public function testTaskCanBeCreated ( $permissions )
[ $user , $server ] = $this -> generateTestAccount ( $permissions );
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\Schedule $schedule */
$schedule = factory ( Schedule :: class ) -> create ([ 'server_id' => $server -> id ]);
$this -> assertEmpty ( $schedule -> tasks );
$response = $this -> actingAs ( $user ) -> postJson ( $this -> link ( $schedule , '/tasks' ), [
'action' => 'command' ,
'payload' => 'say Test' ,
'time_offset' => 10 ,
'sequence_id' => 1 ,
$response -> assertOk ();
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\Task $task */
$task = Task :: query () -> findOrFail ( $response -> json ( 'attributes.id' ));
$this -> assertSame ( $schedule -> id , $task -> schedule_id );
$this -> assertSame ( 1 , $task -> sequence_id );
$this -> assertSame ( 'command' , $task -> action );
$this -> assertSame ( 'say Test' , $task -> payload );
$this -> assertSame ( 10 , $task -> time_offset );
$this -> assertJsonTransformedWith ( $response -> json ( 'attributes' ), $task );
* Test that validation errors are returned correctly if bad data is passed into the API .
public function testValidationErrorsAreReturned ()
[ $user , $server ] = $this -> generateTestAccount ();
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\Schedule $schedule */
$schedule = factory ( Schedule :: class ) -> create ([ 'server_id' => $server -> id ]);
$response = $this -> actingAs ( $user ) -> postJson ( $this -> link ( $schedule , '/tasks' )) -> assertStatus ( Response :: HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY );
foreach ([ 'action' , 'payload' , 'time_offset' ] as $i => $field ) {
$response -> assertJsonPath ( " errors. { $i } .code " , $field === 'payload' ? 'required_unless' : 'required' );
$response -> assertJsonPath ( " errors. { $i } .source.field " , $field );
$this -> actingAs ( $user ) -> postJson ( $this -> link ( $schedule , '/tasks' ), [
'action' => 'hodor' ,
'payload' => 'say Test' ,
'time_offset' => 0 ,
-> assertStatus ( Response :: HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY )
2020-08-28 05:19:01 +01:00
-> assertJsonPath ( 'errors.0.meta.rule' , 'in' )
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-> assertJsonPath ( 'errors.0.source.field' , 'action' );
$this -> actingAs ( $user ) -> postJson ( $this -> link ( $schedule , '/tasks' ), [
'action' => 'command' ,
'time_offset' => 0 ,
-> assertStatus ( Response :: HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY )
2020-08-28 05:19:01 +01:00
-> assertJsonPath ( 'errors.0.meta.rule' , 'required_unless' )
2020-06-28 22:41:22 +01:00
-> assertJsonPath ( 'errors.0.source.field' , 'payload' );
$this -> actingAs ( $user ) -> postJson ( $this -> link ( $schedule , '/tasks' ), [
'action' => 'command' ,
'payload' => 'say Test' ,
'time_offset' => 0 ,
'sequence_id' => 'hodor' ,
-> assertStatus ( Response :: HTTP_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY )
2020-08-28 05:19:01 +01:00
-> assertJsonPath ( 'errors.0.meta.rule' , 'numeric' )
2020-06-28 22:41:22 +01:00
-> assertJsonPath ( 'errors.0.source.field' , 'sequence_id' );
* Test that backups can be tasked out correctly since they do not require a payload .
public function testBackupsCanBeTaskedCorrectly ()
[ $user , $server ] = $this -> generateTestAccount ();
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\Schedule $schedule */
$schedule = factory ( Schedule :: class ) -> create ([ 'server_id' => $server -> id ]);
$this -> actingAs ( $user ) -> postJson ( $this -> link ( $schedule , '/tasks' ), [
'action' => 'backup' ,
'time_offset' => 0 ,
]) -> assertOk ();
$this -> actingAs ( $user ) -> postJson ( $this -> link ( $schedule , '/tasks' ), [
'action' => 'backup' ,
'payload' => " file.txt \n file2.log " ,
'time_offset' => 0 ,
]) -> assertOk ();
* Test that an error is returned if the user attempts to create an additional task that
* would put the schedule over the task limit .
public function testErrorIsReturnedIfTooManyTasksExistForSchedule ()
config () -> set ( 'pterodactyl.client_features.schedules.per_schedule_task_limit' , 2 );
[ $user , $server ] = $this -> generateTestAccount ();
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\Schedule $schedule */
$schedule = factory ( Schedule :: class ) -> create ([ 'server_id' => $server -> id ]);
factory ( Task :: class ) -> times ( 2 ) -> create ([ 'schedule_id' => $schedule -> id ]);
$this -> actingAs ( $user ) -> postJson ( $this -> link ( $schedule , '/tasks' ), [
'action' => 'command' ,
'payload' => 'say test' ,
'time_offset' => 0 ,
-> assertStatus ( Response :: HTTP_BAD_REQUEST )
-> assertJsonPath ( 'errors.0.code' , 'ServiceLimitExceededException' )
-> assertJsonPath ( 'errors.0.detail' , 'Schedules may not have more than 2 tasks associated with them. Creating this task would put this schedule over the limit.' );
* Test that an error is returned if the targeted schedule does not belong to the server
* in the request .
public function testErrorIsReturnedIfScheduleDoesNotBelongToServer ()
[ $user , $server ] = $this -> generateTestAccount ();
[, $server2 ] = $this -> generateTestAccount ([ 'user_id' => $user -> id ]);
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\Schedule $schedule */
$schedule = factory ( Schedule :: class ) -> create ([ 'server_id' => $server2 -> id ]);
$this -> actingAs ( $user )
-> postJson ( " /api/client/servers/ { $server -> uuid } /schedules/ { $schedule -> id } /tasks " )
-> assertNotFound ();
* Test that an error is returned if the subuser making the request does not have permission
* to update a schedule .
public function testErrorIsReturnedIfSubuserDoesNotHaveScheduleUpdatePermissions ()
[ $user , $server ] = $this -> generateTestAccount ([ Permission :: ACTION_SCHEDULE_CREATE ]);
/** @var \Pterodactyl\Models\Schedule $schedule */
$schedule = factory ( Schedule :: class ) -> create ([ 'server_id' => $server -> id ]);
$this -> actingAs ( $user )
-> postJson ( $this -> link ( $schedule , '/tasks' ))
-> assertForbidden ();
* @ return array
public function permissionsDataProvider () : array
return [[[]], [[ Permission :: ACTION_SCHEDULE_UPDATE ]]];